Oracle’s hostility towards open source continues

You have to read both pages of the article…don’t just scan it.  Oracle has been slowly dismantling Sun’s entire portfolio and they are continuing that trend with Java. Apache threatens Oracle with Java exit • The Register.

It’s time to move to postgres

InnoDB Storage Engine Dropped From Oracle MySQL Classic Edition. Oracle owns Innodb and now MySQL.  It’s time to move from Mysql to postgres.  Not one of the mysql forks..but postgres.  Oracle is beginning the squeeze of Sun’s properties.

IN Support of Another NPO

I have been doing IT work as a volunteer for a local radio station WTHU for a few years now.  Slowly but surely we have been moving along the technology track int he right direction.  We have a stout server in wash state that handles our streaming.  The costs for this...

Server Donation Part 4

Well i got the servers in and really didn’t want to wait for the 12u rack…mainly because it’s not int he budget right now.  I took one of the servers and have installed untangle on it.  I now have 4 network cards in the thing.  One is red(internet),...

Cellular Really Isn’t Worth it Anymore

Sprint just plain sucks.  We’ve been customers for over 10 years..yet they say we’ve only been there for 8.  That’s not what irks me.  What really irks me is the constant threat of account suicide I have to face anytime i call sprint for anything and...

Possible phone outage.

*IMPORTANT NOTE TO ECC CLIENTS* ECC is currently embroiled in a dispute with my phone provider Sprint-Nextel.  ECC may loose phone service during this time.  If you try to call and cannot get through please use the contact form on this site to reach me.  My internet...
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