SMB’s do not Have to Pay for A/V Anymore

I have severals tweaks with group policy that combined with a decent a/v malware is reduced to a small chance.  Now that this is now true as soon as they open up the partner branding I have one client that uses avg, another that uses Kaspersky(which is currently...

Zimbra is about ready to go

I just need to get the final list of current mailboxses and get the DNS switched over.  Staff meeting this Monday to see if they’ll give the green light.  I have found several extensions(called zimlets) that really extend the featureset of the Zimbra platform....

More Donated Server News

Well I have gotten one of the donated servers fired up.  It’s a dual Xeon 2.0 GHZ HT with dual 36 gig 10 SCSI hdd’s in raid 1.  This is now running Untangle as the firewall.  This frees up the Dell server (which is a Xeon 3.0 GHZ HT 2 gig dual 250 gigs...

Verizon on it’s way to being sold?

Given the fact that verizon’s total debt nearly matches it’s market cap(not it’s actual income which is lower) I’m betting Verizon either sells off all it’s landlines AND fios lines and then buys out voda here in the us or they get bought...

Anandtech Begins a Major Upgrade Project

They are jumping right into virtualization.  Their biggest concern is they are hitting the limits of their colos power envelope before they start getting charged.  They are going to reduce their server footprint by about half and hopefully save some power as well....

Is Astaro Heading in the Wrong Direction?

I’ve been using Astaro since they were at version 4.  I’ve noticed a disturbing trend.  V4 was, in my opinion, the best version they have ever released.  Version 5 was badly bug ridden upon released necessitating at least 2 updates before it was running...

Major Server Donation: Step 1 Server 1

What are the needs that this server can address? At this time the church’s website is hosted by powweb on their free package for non profits.  Unfortunately their e-mail services are horrendously unreliable.  We have a business class internet connection with a...
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