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Google Chrome Delivers Enterprise Deployment and Management – Web Services Web 20 and SOA – News & Reviews –
I'll be testing this first on my network and then pushing it to other networks(clients) that will follow my reccomendation here. Firefox is old and isn't catching up. IE is even more current than Firefox. Google Chrome is the new star right now..:) Google Chrome...
The Cloud and Why it’s Going to Cost You More
At Least in Internet Fees. don't think that Comcast, Verizon, or anyone else can give you 10 megabits at 50/month and be profitable. They can't. I am expecting a new model in pricing much like you do on water or electricity. You pay for every bit of data. You...
An Interesting Revelation
I just did my annual update to the Linux Counter Project which is located at Once i finished my updates I was quote shocked at what I found. Out of all the machines I manage in one form or another(at least server wise) more than 90% are Linux boxes....
Great site for IR-ADV 5051 manual
What the acronyms from cat /proc/cpuinfo mean
BOINC FAQ Service. BOINC FAQ Service. Ever wondered what all those acronyms are that are behind your CPU description? I'll try to put them down in this FAQ. I am missing a few. Sorry for that, I'll keep on hunting though. 🙂 To see the options on your CPU, use the...
Comcast Issues Continue
If you find you can't surf on your Comcast connection they are having intermittent issues with their DNS server. DNS is the server that translates to the actual ip address. when those have issue you can't surf. Comcast DNS is having issues...
The Real Story Behind the Comcast-Level 3 Battle: Tech News «
Let's get the Comcast hating blinders off. The Real Story Behind the Comcast-Level 3 Battle: Tech News «.
The Good Ship Level 3 Sinks…but Comcast screws the pooch too
I found this great nugget on the nanog list again. You can read my opinions about this tussle here and here. In a message written on Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 08:12:23PM -0600, Richard A Steenbergen wrote: > The part that I find most interesting about this current...
More on the Comcast-Level 3 spat
Folks are piling onto Comcast but I am thinking they are wrong. There's one section in this post that blows Level 3's arguments so full of holes swiss cheese looks solid: So what’s the issue? Level 3 told the world that Comcast had hit it up for more money in order...
Comcast: Pay Or No Play(Not Really)
Karl has this one nailed. Just because Comcast is the bigger of the two doesn't make it automatically wrong. L3 is trying to push the colocation costs of CDN traffic to Comcast and L3 got Called on it. Here's a post on NANOG I found that very well illustrates...
How To Detect A 64-bit Alureon Rootkit Infection
64 bit windows is now able to be compromised by rootkits. How To Detect A 64-bit Alureon Rootkit Infection.
This is Why You Don’t use Your Work Phone for Personal Stuff and Vice Versa
Wipeout: When Your Company Kills Your iPhone : NPR.
Red Hat Releases RHEL 6
I've been waiting for this. There's some performance issues with this latest version while virtualized but Red Hat is very good about fixing regressions like this. I'm waiting the month or two it'll take for Centos to get their next version done for my future...
Further Explanation of Why We Need to Move to Postgres
This article says it better than i can. The GPL is actually now causing more issues than it solved. I would actually use the GPL to RESTRICT who can use my software and how..whereas the BSD license is truly a Free Open Source license. Internal Email on Why a...
Oracle’s hostility towards open source continues
You have to read both pages of the article...don't just scan it. Oracle has been slowly dismantling Sun's entire portfolio and they are continuing that trend with Java. Apache threatens Oracle with Java exit • The Register.
It’s time to move to postgres
InnoDB Storage Engine Dropped From Oracle MySQL Classic Edition. Oracle owns Innodb and now MySQL. It's time to move from Mysql to postgres. Not one of the mysql forks..but postgres. Oracle is beginning the squeeze of Sun's properties.
Banks Growing Dependence on Online Banking is Going to Cause INcrease in Cyber Thefts
Your Money or Your Business — Krebs on Security. Just read this individuals blog. There's entry upon entry of businesses getting malware tuned to logging their keystrokes for the purpose of accessing their online bank accounts. Just do a few things and you'll be...
More Casualties of Oracle’s Purchase of Sun
Slashdot Developers Story | 33 Developers Leave Openoffice is for all intents dead. Libreoffice is where it's at which is what i am going to be trying out for possible reccomendations.
IN Support of Another NPO
I have been doing IT work as a volunteer for a local radio station WTHU for a few years now. Slowly but surely we have been moving along the technology track int he right direction. We have a stout server in wash state that handles our streaming. The costs for this...
Technolog – Unlimited wireless data is dead even thought he costs of transfer are at record lows
Read this article carefully. It was just a matter of time: As more Americans have become smart phone users, their appetite for Web video, music downloads and other data-intense apps on those phones has increased. And now it's time for some who are the heaviest users...
Server Donation Part 4
Well i got the servers in and really didn't want to wait for the 12u rack...mainly because it's not int he budget right now. I took one of the servers and have installed untangle on it. I now have 4 network cards in the thing. One is red(internet), one is blue(free...
Cellular Really Isn’t Worth it Anymore
Sprint just plain sucks. We've been customers for over 10 years..yet they say we've only been there for 8. That's not what irks me. What really irks me is the constant threat of account suicide I have to face anytime i call sprint for anything and they have to so...
Possible phone outage.
*IMPORTANT NOTE TO ECC CLIENTS* ECC is currently embroiled in a dispute with my phone provider Sprint-Nextel. ECC may loose phone service during this time. If you try to call and cannot get through please use the contact form on this site to reach me. My internet...
The Ars System Guide: September 2010 Edition
Ars Technica has a good system build series going for a long time. It's been on vacation but it's back and as good as ever. Take a gander. The Ars System Guide: September 2010 Edition.
SMB’s do not Have to Pay for A/V Anymore
I have severals tweaks with group policy that combined with a decent a/v malware is reduced to a small chance. Now that this is now true as soon as they open up the partner branding I have one client that uses avg, another that uses Kaspersky(which is currently...