ETC Blog, The Tech Resource
How Open Source software can help save costs in our medical system.
I am not normally a fan of anything gov't but this time the VA has developed a system for electronic health records that is well-rounded, stable, highly customizable, has tons of features into which more can be added, and is recognized as a great package. It's called...
One Nice Free MicroSoft Utility
Channelweb Connect: SMB Channel Voice: SMB Storage Challenges – Two Nice MS Utilities. The Search Server Express is one thing i like. It allows you to have your server index by content everything on your server including PDF's. This is one i am going to look into...
Cert, Securosis, and Me Screw up a Major Security Warning
Uncommon Sense Security: CERT spreads marketing BS and misinformation. I did this one quickly without fully vetting the article because i was in a hurry...bad move. Securosis and CERT misidentify several things as clientless when they aren't like OpenVpn. The only...
Web Based VPN’s are a bad Idea
US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#261869. Via Securosis Web based VPN has always been a bad idea. This is also known as "clientless" vpn meaning you don't have to fire up a separate application for a vpn. Like anything in the "cloud" this type of arrangement offers no...
Latest Updates Killing Windows Machines? *UPDATED*
Microsoft looking into Windows 'black screen of death' problem. I have not run into this with any of my clients. Will keep a lookout though and will update this if things change. *UPDATE* The black screens are caused by the machines already being infected with...
Nvidia Trying to Hide the Fact They Have no New Parts.
SemiAccurate :: Nvidia G310 spotted, just a renamed G210.
Others Notice How Much Faster 7 is Over Vista
Windows 7 – Performance Improvements. Wayne gets overenthusiastic though saying it's faster than XP. There's no way that's true as i have run both on my notebook and my quad core desktop. XP is still quicker than 7 but ANYTHING is faster than vista.
Winodws 7 is Vista Service Pack 2
Windows 8 by 2012 as Shown on Microsoft Slide - Tom's Hardware. Otherwise there would be no need for another "major release" in 2012. Which means now I am going to be holding off on buying new operating systems until that if my clients can.
IE6 and 7 Busted. Upgrade to IE8 or Firefox
New Zero-Day Flaw Discovered in IE7 | threatpost.
Talk About Funny! A Great Spoof of an Existing Ad.
This is a spoof of the Vista Choices ad in the long running mac vs poc series of ads from Apple. I ran across this one as a link. YouTube - UNRELEASED Mac vs. PC AD for iPhone and iPod Touch SPOOF.
New Code is Bad Code(as per Stever Gibson
Laurent Gaffié blog: Windows 7 / Server 2008R2 Remote Kernel Crash. notice this is only in the two major operating systems that use the new smb protocol by Microsoft? Vista isn't mentioned but i bet this will kill Vista as well.
MIcrosoft Forgets Basic Security in Bing.
Bing hit by costly security loophole | Technology | Whoopsie so now it's pushed into the underground who are most assuredly taking advantage of it. Sorry MS your usual security by obscurity failed many years ago.
One Reason to Keep up With Your PC’s Security
AP IMPACT: Framed for child porn — by a PC virus by AP: Yahoo! Tech. Anti-virus isn't enough. I have posted before on the security flaws inherent to IE, ActiveX and by extension Windows. Why it may not be a valid defense for all in many cases it purely is a valid...
The Dangers of Being an Early Adopter(Even if it was Being Driven By Necessity)
I reccommended to my Mother in Law that a netbook would be perfect for her based on her needs. It IS perfect except she is running out of room on the 8 gig SSD. I went to find an upgrade for her SSD and found one by a company called Runcore. Let's jsut say 160...
Commercial Full Disk Encryption Products
I was presenting a seminar on data encryption and security and I got caught now knowing some commercial FDE products other than what is built into Vista and 7. As per my word here are some vendors I would reccomend simply based on either their security reputation or...
A huge Weapon Against crapware
Welcome | The PC Decrapifier. It seems you can't buy a windows PC anymore without tons of crap on it that you never use and just junks up your computer. This FREE program now seeks out and destroys all the crapware that comes on most systems. This bad boy is going...
Another way to do a clean Windows 7 install off upgrade media
Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows: Clean Install Windows 7 with Upgrade Media. You can get a family pack of Windows 7 Home premium upgrade which includes 3 licenses here. Clean Install Windows 7 with Upgrade Media It was the final unanswered question about Windows...
Another Way to restore your SBs without reinstalling from ground zero
A user on the forums had an sbs server crash and had to restore it. Instead of reinstalling then manually installing(like i did in an earlier post) he leveraged the VHD's to restore directly form the backups(something sbs seems to have a hard time...
Some Basic IT Security Steps ALL People Should Follow
I am normally not a fan of government recommendations due to the fact they are usually outdated and irrelevant when they are released. However a paper releasede by NIST is the large exception to this rule. To security professionals these are no brainers but I still...
Future Trends in Storage Design
SSDs, pNFS Will Test RAID Controller Design - Current RAID controllers(real raid controllers not fake ones) are going to start hitting a serious bottleneck before too long. Once SSD's start getting into the market it's not going to be...
Why IT Stereotypes Really Exist
Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks. Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks j.ello <A TARGET="_blank"...
Vendors Start Releasing TCP DOS Flaw Patches
Vendors are finally releasing patches today for the TCP vulnerabilities first publicized nearly a year ago that affect a huge range of networking products, including any device running a version of Cisco's IOS software, and a number of Microsoft server and desktop...
MIcrosoft’s Newest Operating Systems Vulnerable to Old Flaw
Microsoft Confirms SMB2 Flaw, Heightens Severity By Ryan Naraine Microsoft has issued a formal security advisory to confirm the remote reboot flaw in its implementation of the SMB2 protocol, going a step further to warn that a successful attack could lead to remote...
How to run the Sidebar in 32 bit Mode on 64 bit Vista and 7
How to Run Vista Sidebar in 32-bit Mode on 64-bit Vista. I’ve been running 64-bit Vista for some time now and for the most part it has been a very good experience. Today I was attempting to install a 3rd party sidebar gadget recommended to me by a friend, only to...
First WEP now WPA
It looks like you have to use wpa2 now with AES. TKIP was cracked a while ago and it continues to show issues. Also remember that your passwords need to be a minimum of 16 randomized characters or they are subject to a brute force attack. WPA data is gone in 60...