Addicted to IT: The Tale of an IT Lifer

Oh how I can identify with This entire article…here’s the highly relevant part.   So when I look out that window and see a robin perched on a tree gently swaying in a warm breeze, I begin to wonder just what life would be like if I wasn’t in the...

Windows 8 Developer Preview

This isn’t even a beta so if it breaks..burps..acts up..etc etc this is not the completed product.  The core is basically done which is why developers are getting this.  ECC’s testing of this begins immediately after I finish downloading the file.  Watch...

Watch the Bouncing Server

Ecc’s site(among others hosted here) has been spontaneously rebooting randomly over the past couple of days.  The server is hosted by Swift Systems in Frederick and finally ECC and Swift personnel had to swap the drives into another identically configured server...

ECC Platform Update

Vmware is really easy but it doesn’t work with machines that do not have hardware assisted RAID.  Most of my clients(including myself) don’t have enough I/O demands tht a hardware accelerated card is required.  This is when the beauties of Linux MD(NOT DM)...
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