by wwarren | Oct 3, 2011 | Microsoft, Windows, Windows 8
Microsoft is pushing Windows 8 and the new Metro UI extremely hard. If you want to see Metro look at a Windows phone 7 equipped phone. Anybody developing for Windows xp-Win7 you best take Microsoft serious…MS wants Metro to be the new standard and they...
by wwarren | Sep 23, 2011 | Internet
Oh how I can identify with This entire article…here’s the highly relevant part. So when I look out that window and see a robin perched on a tree gently swaying in a warm breeze, I begin to wonder just what life would be like if I wasn’t in the...
by wwarren | Sep 23, 2011 | Cloud Computing, Internet
The upside of using a public cloud service is easy to understand. No need for expensive local storage, no need for local servers, a reduction in power and cooling expenses … and a reduction in IT staffing. When all you need to do is click around on a...
by wwarren | Sep 21, 2011 | Security, Security Alerts
Cars with OnStar’s built-in technology will begin having their where-abouts monitored in December, even if their owners opt-out of the service, according to a new privacy statement issued by the vehicle navigation and emergency notification service this week. via...
by wwarren | Sep 19, 2011 | Cloud Computing, Internet, Security
Current ssl secured traffic relies on “third Party” trust. Frankly I think it is stupid. You are going to put your trust in security in a central location and tell others that that third party is better at your security than you are? NO thanks. Comodo...
by wwarren | Sep 19, 2011 | Cloud Computing, Internet, Security, Security Alerts
In order to execute their attack, Rizzo and Duong use BEAST Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS against a victim who is on a network on which they have a man-in-the-middle position. So in order to “break” the AES component of SSL 3.0...
by wwarren | Sep 13, 2011 | Microsoft, Windows, Windows 8
This isn’t even a beta so if it breaks..burps..acts up..etc etc this is not the completed product. The core is basically done which is why developers are getting this. ECC’s testing of this begins immediately after I finish downloading the file. Watch...
by wwarren | Aug 22, 2011 | Hardware, Linux, Swift Systems, Vendors
Ecc’s site(among others hosted here) has been spontaneously rebooting randomly over the past couple of days. The server is hosted by Swift Systems in Frederick and finally ECC and Swift personnel had to swap the drives into another identically configured server...
by wwarren | Aug 20, 2011 | AMD, Cloud Computing, Hardware, Intel, Linux, Open Source
Vmware is really easy but it doesn’t work with machines that do not have hardware assisted RAID. Most of my clients(including myself) don’t have enough I/O demands tht a hardware accelerated card is required. This is when the beauties of Linux MD(NOT DM)...
by wwarren | Jul 16, 2011 | AMD, Cloud Computing, Hardware, Intel, Linux, Microsoft, Open Source
While “clouds” on the internet are a terrible idea they do have their place INSIDE the building. I am currently building and researching exactly this type of internal cloud. In my shop I have two servers. At idle(which is where most of them spend their...