by wwarren | Jul 5, 2010 | Apple, Security, Security Alerts
You need to log into your iTunes account and change your password. Once you do that go into the payment details and select none to clear out your CC or checking account information. There’s more details Here, Here, Here. iTunes accounts hacking more widespread...
by wwarren | Jul 2, 2010 | Hardware, Vendors
I had forgotten about this story until my wife told me she is now having to replace the caps on optiplexes because of this issue. I wrote it off then until i saw this post from Dell where they say the charge3s in the lawsuit are settled because all of...
by wwarren | Jun 29, 2010 | Microsoft, Office, Security, Windows
e-Banking Bandits Stole $465,000 From Calif. Escrow Firm — Krebs on Security. Marisco said that a few days before the theft, she opened an e-mail informing her that a UPS package she had been sent was lost, and urging her to open the attached invoice. Nothing happened...
by wwarren | Jun 27, 2010 | Hardware, Linux, Open Source, Storage, Vendors, Windows
PERC S300 – can it be made to work?. I saw this on the Dell Linux mailing list. I did a bit of research and found this is a windows only FAKERAID product. What I mean by FAKERAID is the card fakes like it is a raid card but all of the work is done on the cpu....
by wwarren | Jun 25, 2010 | Linux
Intel will ship x86 android 2.2 this summer – The Inquirer. Now this would be interesting. If this is actually true then instead of me having to get a smartphone with the high price of the cell carriers scamming built in I can get a netbook...
by wwarren | Jun 24, 2010 | Microsoft, Server 2008, Vista, Windows, Windows 7
Synchronizing Roaming Profiles Between a V1 & V2 Profile. The news can’t. So if you want to move to server 2008 and keep your profiles you have to stick with either xp and below(not a good long term solution) or have all vista and above machines. ...
by wwarren | Jun 24, 2010 | Microsoft, Office
Office 2010 Licensing changes… – Untangle Forums. This is interesting. Keep watching MS they want their fingers in everything.
by wwarren | Jun 21, 2010 | Linux, Microsoft, Open Source, Windows
The author makes some great points here. Take a gander. Not using desktop Linux? You’re wasting your money | Linux – InfoWorld.
by wwarren | Jun 21, 2010 | Linux, Security
Right now cloud computing isn’t a security’s a security nightmare. Most cloud apps actually require you to download and install an executable file that then connects to the cloud. The operating system requirements are? Windows…most...
by wwarren | Jun 17, 2010 | Hardware, Printers
Want to see those ink cartridges really disappear? Buy one of these printers. They’ll find your router..hook to the internet and then get “targeted” advertising sent to the printer which it will then print out. HP’s ePrint printers, some of...