by wwarren | Jun 9, 2010 | Linux, Microsoft, Open Source, SBS 2008, Windows
Windows Server vs. Linux. There are some serious errors in this..i’ll address them inline. Text below: Windows Server vs. Linux by Ellen Messmer June 8, 2010 — Which is better? Microsoft Windows Server or open-source Linux? This debate arouses vehement opinions,...
by wwarren | Jun 9, 2010 | Apple
The Iphone 4 is going to gobble video like there’s no tomorrow..AT&T’s response? Let’s push everyone into high per/gigabyte overage buckets and rake in the cash. My question is…how long until folks wise up to the scam and drop their...
by wwarren | Jun 5, 2010 | Security, Security Alerts
This problem is being actively used by the “bad guys” and wasn’t found until it was being used to attack machines. There is no patch yet..and there’s no easy way to get around this issue. The best thing you can do is delete the .dll file that...
by wwarren | Jun 5, 2010 | Microsoft, SBS 2008, Windows
I logged into a client’s machine today and saw this one sharepoint file was over 7 gigs in size. I am thinking this is one reason sharepoint has been pokey as of late. Some googling showed me that by default MS basically has the database in debug(which means...
by wwarren | May 30, 2010 | Hardware, Storage
SSD’s are so fast that if you use more than one SSD(which you have to for ANY RAID) you may just hit a wall due to the RAID controllers not being fast enough to keep up. What’s interesting is at one point they went to purely software RAID and saw the kind...
by wwarren | May 30, 2010 | Hardware, Storage
The SSD Anthology: Understanding SSDs and New Drives from OCZ – AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News. I don’t know why I didn’t blog this last year. It’s becoming more and more relevant though as folks start diving into...
by wwarren | May 30, 2010 | Linux, Microsoft, Windows
The times really are getting smaller and smaller. You really need to have 5 or more machines active. Running e-mail out of house can be done but it’s not easy as exchange really wants to be the mail hub(which makes since as it IS a full featured mail server). ...
by wwarren | May 30, 2010 | Hardware, Vendors
I had a horrid experience with Sprint lately. My current phone, a LG Rumor, has the tendency to power off instantly when it goes into standby. It’s random in occurrence. I finally called up Sprint again and asked what’s going on with the phone. Instead...
by wwarren | May 21, 2010 | Security
Report: Facebook caught sharing secret data with advertisers. Especially with Mark Zukerberg(CEO of Facebook) calling his users obscene names and now being accused of securities fraud, this revelation isn’t surprising. Right after the first series of Zuckerberg...
by wwarren | May 12, 2010 | Linux, Open Source
Terremark vCloud Express: First month « Oucies. That’s horrendously expensive. I’m assuming he’s getting great service..:) There are less expensive options out there…like mine..:)