ETC Blog, The Tech Resource
Independent Evaluation of AVG products on Windows 8.
AVG scored in the top 5 again. This is the reason i've partnered with AVG as recently their products have garnered consistent top 5 scores while costing much less and while being much less invasive than other products. AVG has come quite a way since their arrival a...
Windows 8 can’t displace Vista much less XP
Microsoft's "latest and greatest" isn't even able to get a larger share than the acknowledged failure that is Vista. I've been telling clients that Windows 7 is a worthy replacement for XP. Nice to see some independent data to back up my thoughts. ...
0day Linux/CentOS SSHd Spam Exploit — | Security, Server Tweaking, IT Management Blog By SolidShellSecurity
HOW TO FIND OUT IF YOU HAVE BEEN ROOTED: ls -la /lib64/ rpm -qf /lib64/ ls -la /lib/ rpm -qf /lib/ If you find the file and RPM shows “is not owned by any package” you have been rooted. Currently...
I Said This Was a Bad Idea—UPNP
As the world's various media outlets start talking breathlessly about how dangerous UPNP is anyone who has talked to me(every one of my clients knows about this) I've always maintained UPNP was a huge security hole. I've seen Microsoft among others talk about how...
Backdoors Found in Barracuda Networks Gear — Krebs on Security
How lovely. It is one thing to leave backdoors but to make them so insecure is inexcusable. If you value security yank these devices and start hammering barracuda to fix their vulnerabilities. A variety of the latest firewall, spam filter and VPN appliances...
Windows 8 and Secure Boot = Ultimate Microsoft Lockin
I have a client's laptop and he has windows 8 on it....of course he hates it. So i advised either take the laptop back or buy windows 7 and upgrade to Windows 7. I've been trying for a couple of hours just to get into the UEFI in this thing...finally found it in the...
How Bad is Windows 8?
via Windows 8: The Animated Evaluation - YouTube.
Massive espionage malware targeting governments undetected for 5 years | Ars Technica
I'm going to watch this to see if it is really something to be concerned about or not. However the e-mail re-infection component has me a bit concerned. If that's the case anyone who thinks ANY machine with malware can be cleaned is foolish. I may have to...
The Broken Philosophies of Third Party Digital Certificates and How They Put you at Risk
This has been a long standing procedure. If you are online and what to have an online identity certificate that identifies you you have been required to go to various third parties(Verisign, GoDaddy just to name two) and pay them to issue you a digital certificate...
Verizon’s “Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy Measures Unveiled | TorrentFreak
This has been building quietly in back rooms for a while and it now coming into the light. The top 5 US isp's and the MPAA and others are now coming out with new "anti-piracy" policies The days of anyone being able to run free wifi are over without any kind of...
Seven Predictions for 2013 – F-Secure Weblog : News from the Lab
I think the smart tv thing is right on..we'll see about the rest..:) Seven Predictions for 2013 - F-Secure Weblog : News from the Lab.
Don’t Allow Direct Internet Access to Your Network.
Folks...a firewall isn't enough. You should not even leave the ports open for these devices. the only way to have a remote chance of doing this safely is to use a vpn so your connection is encrypted then you can get it. Honestly for these systems that are deemed...
The Cloud(and by Extension BYOD) Increase the Risk to Businesses.
Many folks cringe at IT having tight control...but then when users in organizations start tossing things into the cloud they then expect IT to bail them out. That's an impossible place and I've seen more and more It folks going," you threw it up there without...
Samba 4 Means the end of the Microsoft Stranglehold Networking
The team behind the Samba Project has released version 4.0 of its open source Windows interoperability software suite, the first version to offer full compatibility with Microsoft's Active Directory protocols. The Samba stack is by far the most popular solution for...
I have a Facebook page i help admin and I've noticed the stats in all areas cratering. I never could figure it out until I saw the "promote" "feature". I then knew what this was....yet another backdoor sneak attempt by Facebook to extract money form folks. if...
Remove System Progressive Protection, removal instructions
To get rid of System Progressive Protection, you should use updated anti-malware programs, such as Spyware Doctor or SpyHunter. They will kill all malware processes and will remove infected files from the system. You may find it difficult to launch these programs, so...
The Scrap Value of a Hacked PC, Revisited — Krebs on Security
Small Businesses are increasingly the targets of more and more sophisticated malware and fraud attempts due to the fact most of them have the attitude, "i'm too small for them to care". However since they are the least secure and the easiest to take down they are the...
Is your keyboard made from lasers? If you have the Celluon Magic Cube it is! | PC Perspective
Is your keyboard made from lasers? If you have the Celluon Magic Cube it is! | PC Perspective.
Apple Wins in Court and Looses in the Market
So Apple got a billion or two from Samsung in court and Apple just effectively paid half that back due to Samsung jacking up component prices to Apple. Sweet justice. Market-Ticker - MarketTicker Forums.
The Windows You Love is Gone | PC Perspective
An interesting Article and one that bears watching with Windows 8. I'm not moving to it... The Windows You Love is Gone | PC Perspective.
Microsoft Bloat in Mobile shows itself: Microsoft Surface can not compete against real tablet | SemiAccurate
Microsoft Surface can not compete against real tablet | SemiAccurate.
Daniel Bs Tech Blog: Remove EFI Partition in Windows 7
Scenario is that you have external Hard Drive that you were using in Mac OS X as perhaps a Time Machine backup drive and you now want to erase this drive in Windows. But you find that you cannot remove the 200MB EFI System partition. Here is how:1On the command prompt...
One Move That is Going to be Problematic for Windows8
So this OS lives online. Considering the lack of password strength I've seen just in my clientbase alone...this one is going to lead not only to hacks but now you'll be able to easily compromised ANY Windows 8 machine...anywhere. This "feature" alone should...
Windows, Revamped and Split in 2 –
This is going tob e the next Vista but for a different reason. The tile interface I can handle..however Windows 8 is a badly done hybrid. There's the tile interface and then the regular interface and Win8 jumps back and forth between the two. What MS should have...
Thieves Hack Barnes & Noble Point-of-Sale Terminals at 63 Stores | Threat Level |
Your vendors card reader taken over by a rogue credit card. I've seen this on tv but never thought it was for real. This is why i constantly tell folks to update EVERYTHING they can...even card readers now are computers running..Linux. However there was a...