ETC Blog, The Tech Resource
Another Reason to Avoid Windows 8.x
Updates. Windows has been prone to update problems ever since Windows update was launched. Windows 8 is the worst about it of all. Once Win8 gets stuck it's stuck. The process for recovery is quite laborious. In many cases it is because WU installed an update...
IOS 8.4: It’s a mess that effectively steals your music from you
There are quite a few businesses that allow this software on their machines. I would HIGHLY advise Itunes be removed from ALL company pc's immediately and never be allowed to return. Just read this excerpt: The whole iTunes Match and Apple Music thing is confusing....
The most dangerous data breach ever known | InfoWorld
Folks are wondering if the gov't cannot secure our data who can? Frankly the gov't in terms of security has always been horrid. I have done contract work for the gov't more than once and the level of network security outside of the military is atrocious. But...
One of many reason I always recommend NOT using your provider provided e-mail
If you are residential user gmail, hotmail, yahoo. Anything but your isp is. If you are a business get a domain on the internet then pay the 50/year extra for your own e-mail addy at that domain so you can look professional AND you aren't beholden to your isp....
Windows 8 and the cloud, an insecure combination.
*UPDATE* 06/23/2017 Windows 10 works much the same as is susceptible to this same exact situation. When you setup any Windows machine 8.x or newer the way to prevent this is to NOT allow it to connect to any network during the initial setup. Windows will not then be...
SSD storage drives need to be on your hardware shortlist(but not for servers yet).
I have finally got one of these things. I have installed them in client machines and I've seen how fast they make a machine but I have not gotten one for myself yet to really beat on it. I just received mine and installed it. Now I didn't go with the highest end...
Forget the giants, small biz even more vulnerable to hacking – WTOP
The results from the survey showed that smaller companies are only about half as likely as larger firms to test their own data security, to hire new data security staff or to require data security training for employees.“This is not just the U.S.,” Graham added. “In...
The double edged sword of online advertising and why I ALWAYS block ads at the gateway.
Online advertising is crucial for many sites BUT it exposes them to becoming unwitting attack carriers for visitor's computers. I have maintained this stance for many years. This is why when I deploy a firewall that has some way to block ads I immediately activate...
My Note4/Lollipop Experience
It started off decent but it got too frustrating to tolerate any longer. I'll give the list of pro's first as it is much much shorter: 1. S-pen 2. Quad core cpu Cons: 1. QHD screen is a battery killer 2. Typical Samsung bloatware 3. Fingerprint...
You don’t always know everything…I know I don’t.
Sometimes the simple things will get you. Kinda reminds me of Jesus when he mentions using the simple to confound the wise...:) One of the areas I have always had a keen interest in is audio. By the time i was 14 I had the first component system biult. I did not...
Update for Windows 7 and 8.1 is going to try to nag you to death to install windows 10.
With this Windows as a service push Microsoft is making AND the fact they have trademarked the name Windows365, I see no reason to believe anyone who says Microsoft is NOT going to make windows a subscription like Office365. Maybe not at first. For those technically...
Another client miniaturized
I had a client who recently moved to a new location. A partial move to the cloud was performed a couple of years ago with the establishment of Google Apps for work account. This rendered the SBS2003 nearly redundant. Its only remaining function was domain services...
My “cloudless” advice.
Public clouds are not the answer but private clouds(virtualization) is a good idea. Sometimes a public cloud is a good idea but most times workloads can be easily virtualized in house with more security and control than the public clouds can offer. With internal...
Windows 10 to possibly (at OEM choice) lock out Linux (or other Windows Installs) with always on secure boot
It was a matter of time. Windows 8 did not present the other lockout problem we thought it would but Windows 10 is much more likely. If you buy a PC from Dell, HP, or anyone else who pre-loads windows you are locked into whatever Version of Windows is installed....
Something for everyone to watch.
First and foremost I positively DO NOT AGREE WITH the solution advocated by the guest in terms we have the gov't take over this. All we have to do is look at obamacare or any other area the gov't runs to see how well that is going to go. I also do not agree with...
Cuban: FCC Net Regs Will Spill Over, ‘TV As You Know It Is Over’ – Breitbart
To further expand on my previous post now that "everything is equal" yes the FCC will now be the "decency" agency. Not only has tv changed but the First Amendment as well. Dallas Mavericks owner and investor Mark Cuban predicted that proposed FCC Internet...
Net Neutrality Vote In The FCC: You Lose America in [Market-Ticker]
Sure this is about trying to control the content but it goes even further than that. Karl has this nailed here. It WILL result in higher prices across the board AND will result in MORE monopolistic behavior by incumbents. Why? The barrier to entry is going to be...
L. Gordon Crovitz: From Internet to Obamanet – WSJ
The Supreme Court has ruled that if the FCC applies Title II to the Internet, all uses of telecommunications will have to pass the “just and reasonable” test. Bureaucrats can review the fairness of Google ’s search results, Facebook ’s news feeds and news sites’ links...
Microsoft trademarks ‘Windows 365’ – Neowin
I wish i could fine the article about waaaay back when Office365 was first coming out somebody on the net said windows is headed the same way as office. I said earlier it isn't a matter of IF it's a matter of WHEN they take windows to the cloud. Remember my earlier...
Title II Might be the end of several technologies on the Internet.
I am expanding on my previous post. I am saying this because "net neutrality" states that broadband providers cannot slow down traffic and allow other traffic to go faster so that all traffic is at the same priority. There's a huge issue with that which NOBODY is...
Obamacare is coming to the Internet.
Title II is what gave us MA Bell..remember those days? You HAD to buy phones from them? Comcast isn't going to get smaller nor is Comcast(nor anyone else) going to get more competitive. The barrier of entry is so high now it's nearly unfathomable. All these techno...
Something about Windows 10 doesn’t seem right
Listen to this Windows Weekly podcast: You hear tons about Windows 10 being a free upgrade for one year for consumers. There's one theme throughout the presentation...Windows as a Service. Let us review something. When...
How to stop your ipad from ringing for iphone phone calls
Turn off iPhone cellular calls To turn off iPhone cellular calls on your iPad or iPod touch, go to Settings > FaceTime and turn off iPhone Cellular Calls. On your Mac, open the FaceTime app and go to FaceTime > Preferences. Click Settings and deselect the iPhone...
Think home routers aren’t a hacker target? Think again.
The online attack service launched late last year by the same criminals who knocked Sony and Microsoft’s gaming networks offline over the holidays is powered mostly by thousands of hacked home Internet routers, has discovered. Just days after the...
Dish Introduces Sling TV, Its Over-The-Top Alternative To The Cable Bundle | TechCrunch
Sling TV features a dozen different live TV programming options to choose from at launch. To make it work, Dish negotiated rights with major media companies like Disney, Turner, and Scripps to create a light package of networks to flip through.The crown jewel of the...