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It Is Time To Boycott Apple in [Market-Ticker]

There's CLEAR prior art and the fact that the jury said they skipped it says this judgement is nullified or thrown out due to misconduct.  this ruling needs to be dismissed and the patents invalided immediately.   Apple likes to claim it is an "innovator" and...

It is Time Java Went The Way of Flash

Adobe is slowly killing flash as HTML 5 takes over.  Flash with it's myriad of security issues needs to go.  Java on the other hand has been so thoroughly breached that if you don't know for sure you need to run it you need to remove  There is now a Java...

MIcrosoft SBS Server is Dead. Good Riddance.

SBS was a good idea with SBS 2003.  with 2008 they began doing the Microsoft thing and jacking the price up.  SBS 2011 was such a huge, bloated, overpriced mess that very few wanted it.  What does this mean? I have much cheaper and even free ways to do what SBS...

Why Istuff Devices Are Not a Good Business Decision

Apple is even more controlling than Microsoft.  Once you step into the Iworld you can't get your stuff out without major gyrations.  In this environment Apple can do whatever it wants whenever it wants.  What's funny is people are making a ton of noise but I bet it's...

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