ETC Blog, The Tech Resource
Now Your Phones and Tablets Are Virus magnets as Well
Just read the below paragraph. Keep in mind what this means that malware and all of the associated security problems are now fully available throughout everything..tablets, phones, desktops..etc etc etc. Not a good thing. At Microsofts Windows Phone...
The Flame Malware
This thing is quite huge..and fascinating. It's amazing how many folks are acting surprised at how this thing evaded all current security current a/v. i am constantly wiping machines with malware that has gone around any a/v. this is not news. Also the main...
Intel Small Business Advantage is a security nightmare | SemiAccurate
I can't copy and paste anything but it explains how the latest intel "Security" addons aren't secure at all....they make it trivially easy for your system to be hardware rooted..making it impossible for you to regain control of your system. Intel Small Business...
An Accurate Article About the Mac Trojan Hysteria
................. let’s look closely at the facts around the Flashback Trojan causing all this consternation, and clear up what it is versus what it is not, and put the results of the incident in perspective. Yes it’s true that some 600,000 Macs are confirmed to have...
Oh NOES!!! A Mega Virus for MAC!!!!!
Let's get one thing straight. The media, as usual, is not only blowing this out of proportion but also not keying on the right part of the problem. This is not a Mac issue but a java problem. Java had and exploit(java itself has become an exploit...much like...
Smartphones a big Source of Private Information Leakage…That is EASILY Obtained
Security vs convenience. They are inversely proportionate. Current smartphones.. especially Iphones are very porous. Easy solution..everything runs over wpa2 and ssl or both. this requires work though and folks are adverse to this. In short you are going to have...
Critical Windows bug could make worm meat of millions of high-value machines
Update your machines now. If you are running a server with rdp exposed first firewall it off the internet then use another actual secure vpn to get to that server and update. I would then never allow rdp direct access to the net again. Microsoft has plugged a...
The Kill Switch Comes to the PC – Businessweek
This should be interesting. Windows 8 will come with a know remote ability for ms to reach into your computers. Phones have had it for a it's time for desktops. With the rollout of the Windows 8 operating system expected later this year, millions...
East Texas Jury Invalidates Eolas Patents
After threatening web companies for more than a decade, Michael Doyle and his patent-holding company Eolas Technologies — named after the Irish word for knowledge — may be finished. An eight-member federal jury in East Texas deliberated Thursday for just a few hours...
Patent troll claims ownership of interactive Web—and might win
Eolas has already won millions from Microsoft for Office. This has now fueled their appetite for more since Microsoft tried the appeasement route and settled. Whether with guns or software patents terrorists should be destroyed..not appeased. This could have huge...
The Kindle Family vs the Nook Family Vs the Andriod Tablets
If you are only doing books then the kindle and nook work great...but they are only for either Amazon(kindle) or Barnes and Noble(the nooks). I would recommend you go with a full function tablet if you want to do anything more. You can get amazon apps for all things...
If your Internet Stops Working on March 8th You Most Likely Have a Trojan
This all depends on if they get the patchwaork dns server order extended. If they do then your infected pc will work fine. I hope they do not then these mahcines will cease to work and the infection will become obvious. If your PC starts acting weird...
Sopa Type Bills Are Still in The Works
There is another bill called ACTA which has been worked on behind closed doors and is set to assault everyone even more than SOPA. I have said SOPA was a misdirection and it was. Whether ACTA is the real beast or another deception remains to be seen. This bill...
Feds Take Down Megaupload….Without SOPA/PIPA
Federal prosecutors have shut down one of the world's largest file-sharing sites,, on charges of violating piracy laws -- a day after a 24-hour blackout of popular websites such as Wikipedia drew national attention to the issue. "This action is among...
The Definitive Post On Why SOPA And Protect IP Are Bad, Bad Ideas | Techdirt
This is exactly the truth. Read the entirety of the linked article please. There's been plenty of talk (and a ton of posts here on Techdirt) discussing both SOPA (originally E-PARASITE) and PROTECT IP (aka PIPA), but it seemed like it would be useful to create...
Microsoft mandating Secure Boot on ARM, making Linux installs difficult
Once again Microsoft engages in anti-competitive and blatantly monopolistic behavior. Note this happens right after they are freed of the DOJ anti-trust oversight. If you are going to buy any kind of mobile device make sure it does NOT run windows or you won't every...
Hands-on: hacking WiFi Protected Setup with Reaver
Time for me to start recommending routers with dd-wrt and NO WPS capabilities. If turning it off doesn't turn it off then security is non-existent for wireless network. Ick. The attack took about six hours to properly guess the PIN and return the SSID and password...
Not on Autopay? Vz is Going to Charge You to Pay Your Bill
It should WILL see a HIGHER chance of billings errors if you go on autopay. Every time we have tried it there's ALWAYS been a major error and getting it fixed is worse than pulling teeth. Verizon says users wont have to pay the fee if they enroll in...
Turn Off WPS(Wifi Protected Setup)
I figured it was a matter of time before this was exposed. The pins are usually 8 digits which it has been known for quite some time that you need at least 12 sufficiently random characters for any kind of protection against brute force attacks. Of course the lack...
Security Does Matter Even if You Are A Small Business
Subway itself wasn't nailed but it franchisees were. Most franchise holders are SMB's and many of them don't think they are vulnerable due to their size. However criminals are banking on that thinking now to hijack everything from computers to POS systems(many of...
Hard Disk Warranties Getting Chopped
Not too long after the market punished the Hard Disk industry for dropping warranties before the industry is now moving to cratering hard disk warranties again. I bet they are going to be introducing a new technology for manufacturing hard disks and they are dropping...
Saw This One Coming In Regards to Verizon
Verizon had started selling off it's landline business years ago. they have also begun divesting some FIOS markets as well. I had been thinking VZ would concentrate on their LTE wireless infrastructure and that has been proven true. They'll hang onto...
Good Coverage of CarrierIQ rootkit
This link aggregates all of techcrunchs coverage with decent linking to outside sites about this too. Carrier IQ | TechCrunch.
Carrier IQ: Mobile App Crap Must Stop – Security – Mobile Security – Informationweek
Crapware on a pc or mac is easy to combat....format the machine and use your own, known good image. Phones however are a new frontier of badness for the enterprise and anyone with need for data security. Folks wonder why I've advocated locking...
The Internet Is Infected – 60 Minutes – CBS News
Watch this folks. I talk about this over and over. a/v isn't is only a start. Please start with these basics. Please contact ECC on how to minimize your exposure. The Internet Is Infected - 60 Minutes - CBS News.