ETC Blog, The Tech Resource
Reset the entire registry permissions to defaults | Windows Reference
Reset the entire registry permissions to defaults | Windows Reference.
Virtualization Project Update
I got Hyper-v working finally here at my office. I now have one box hosting 3 virtual mahcines. VM 1 is my Astaro firewall. VM 2 is my main AD file/print/authentication server. VM 3 is my Astaro Command Center which aggregates status and updates from my astaro and...
This is Why Infrastructure Systems Should NOT be Internet Accessible
SCADA systems and their ilk simply aren't designed for security. You do ont want these systems to be acessible by the is just too easy to take control of them. Get ALL infrastructure systems completely OFF the Internet. Second water utility reportedly...
Facebook tracks down cause of spam….browser holes.
In a statement, Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes acknowledged that the site was the target of a coordinated spam attack and explained how it went down. "During this spam attack, users were tricked into pasting and executing malicious javascript in their browser URL bar...
Facebook “hack” not Facebook’s issue
Read the earlier article i posted about this. It is not a Facebook issue but the ease of which browsers can be comprised. Facebook explained in a statement that the spam attack was the result of a browser vulnerability that tricked users into running malicious...
Facebook Porn and Grotesque Image Flood Exposes Cloud Computing Risk
Graham Cluely, a senior technology consultant from Internet security firm Sophos, said it was not yet clear how the malicious content was being spread, but added that the website could face long term consequences."Its precisely this kind of problem which is likely to...
Virtualization Projects Update
I currently have two virtualization projects going. One is to convert 3 physical server to hyper-v and one is to convert 3 physical servers to KVM. Unfortunately p2v on a domain controller is not only not recommended, it doesn't work well. Also there is no...
Time to Kill “Protect IP”
The so-called PROTECT IP act, sequel to the much-criticized COICA, is under fire again as it enters the process of becoming law. We’ve talked about it on this blog before and no doubt the discussion will continue after it passes or is rejected, but it’s important at...
Iphone 4S drains battery like a vampire – Turns users into Zombies | TechEye
The design geniuses at Apple, who are yet to come up with an iPhone 4 which did not have some serious design flaws, are scratching their heads about the latest problem which has hit the cargo cults latest toy.Apple recently released the iPhone 4S which was an iPhone 4...
Google Moves to Secure Searches….and Also Starts Freezing Out the SEO Games…
I have a client that is constantly being pushed to engage is SEO games to try to raise his Google pagerank. Hopefully this is the first nail in the coffin of the hideous Google Ranks manipulators. On October 18, Google announced that it would begin pushing...
If You Have a Siri Enabled Phone It is NOT Able to be Locked….Yet
Whoopsie. Apple's new "Siri" feature, the voice-activated personal assistant built into the iPhone 4S, leaves owners' spanking new smartphones partially unguarded. Those of us who work in the security arena have often banged on about the importance of securing your...
A Gain for the Cloud and a Loss for a Former Client
Business consultants.....nough said. I have a client that has been scammed into going all cloud. This consultant believe in no servers, no central logins and no local storage of anything. I know this "practice management" company is totally based in the cloud....
External Editorial: 5 Reasons Why I Think The iPhone 4S Is The Least Competitive iPhone Yet
There's one thing he is leaving out. Andriod is not a closed, one vendor only operating system. IOS is apple and pp-le only. I’d like to start by stating I am not a rabid Android “fanboy.” In fact, I heavily considered the iPhone 3GS back in the day (er, last...
Massive Security Breach for HTC Smarthpones – This is Caused by HTC’s Customized Sense UI NOT a Problem With Android Itself
HTC screwed up big time here. If you are using the stock HTC Sense UI(and most folks are) they have enabled a backdoor into the phones base operating system that essentially allows any app with simple permissions to sniff everything on or about the phone and send it...
Vista and Windows 7 Won’t Be Allowed to Hang Around Like XP Did.
Microsoft is pushing Windows 8 and the new Metro UI extremely hard. If you want to see Metro look at a Windows phone 7 equipped phone. Anybody developing for Windows xp-Win7 you best take Microsoft serious...MS wants Metro to be the new standard and they aren't...
Addicted to IT: The Tale of an IT Lifer
Oh how I can identify with This entire's the highly relevant part. So when I look out that window and see a robin perched on a tree gently swaying in a warm breeze, I begin to wonder just what life would be like if I wasn't in the IT game any...
The cloud hazard no one talks about | Data Center – InfoWorld
The upside of using a public cloud service is easy to understand. No need for expensive local storage, no need for local servers, a reduction in power and cooling expenses ... and a reduction in IT staffing. When all you need to do is click around on a self-service...
When Your Car Spys on You…Even When You Tell it Not to
Cars with OnStar’s built-in technology will begin having their where-abouts monitored in December, even if their owners opt-out of the service, according to a new privacy statement issued by the vehicle navigation and emergency notification service this week. via...
Black Hat: SSL and the Future of Authenticity | threatpost
Current ssl secured traffic relies on "third Party" trust. Frankly I think it is stupid. You are going to put your trust in security in a central location and tell others that that third party is better at your security than you are? NO thanks. Comodo is one of...
New “Attack” Leverages An Already Compromised System…
In order to execute their attack, Rizzo and Duong use BEAST Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS against a victim who is on a network on which they have a man-in-the-middle position. So in order to "break" the AES component of SSL 3.0...
Windows 8 Developer Preview
This isn't even a beta so if it breaks..burps..acts up..etc etc this is not the completed product. The core is basically done which is why developers are getting this. ECC's testing of this begins immediately after I finish downloading the file. Watch this space...
Watch the Bouncing Server
Ecc's site(among others hosted here) has been spontaneously rebooting randomly over the past couple of days. The server is hosted by Swift Systems in Frederick and finally ECC and Swift personnel had to swap the drives into another identically configured server to...
ECC Platform Update
Vmware is really easy but it doesn't work with machines that do not have hardware assisted RAID. Most of my clients(including myself) don't have enough I/O demands tht a hardware accelerated card is required. This is when the beauties of Linux MD(NOT DM) RAID come...
ECC’s New Platform
While "clouds" on the internet are a terrible idea they do have their place INSIDE the building. I am currently building and researching exactly this type of internal cloud. In my shop I have two servers. At idle(which is where most of them spend their time) they...
Will the Cloud Continue to Survive?
Not if this trend by just about every internet provider type least not in the United States. Frankly given the rash of security problems and the fact this is old technology wrapped up into a new term it really needs to be scaled back anyway. Carriers...