
ETC Blog, The Tech Resource

Mobile Device Security: Simplified

For my second video in my Simplified series I talka bout some basics in mobile device security.  did you know that these wonderful devices are actually computers?  What do you need to do to keep them safe like you do any computer?  Are there some basics to keeping...

Another reason to block ads.

I have always blocked ads.  I knew that having a third party serve you ads with questionable security means these ad servers would be a problem for internet users.  Sure enough Spotify ads were compromised by malware authors and for a while your Spotify was now an...

The ethics of data destruction

The Clinton e-mail deletion scandal is quite a mess.    Now it is becoming clear what company and what product was used to delete those files.  The product is called bleachbit  and a good explanation of it is over at a Bleachbit is an opensource...

New ETC Maryland evaluation platform coming online

As noted in my earlier post ETC Maryland has been building and is deploying a new virtualized environment to properly evaluate the flood of new security products coming out from multiple vendors. The platform consists of a primary Hyper-V host, a primary VmWare host,...

Ad blockers and analytics

I just had an interesting conversation with my web design partner Lori Curley of Curley Marketing.  Third party analytics have gotten caught in the ad blocking drag net.  This means the numbers form third party apps like Google Analytics and Clicky analytics can be...

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