ETC Blog, The Tech Resource
When A Hosting Client Exposes a Bug…and Takes Your Server Offline
I was at my office workstation looking at web1 when suddenly my site...and every other site on web 1..vanished. All i started seeing was MySQL database connection errors. The amount of errors escalated until MySQL crashed completely. Attempts to restart MySQL...
ETC Maryland Has A Limited Time Product Announcement
3x Intel Xeon vCPU Cores 58(10 Usable) GB PURE SSD RAID-10 Storage 2.8 GB RAM 5,000GB Monthly Data Transfer 10 Domain Virtualmin Pro License 1 Dedicated IPv4 Address Limited IPV6 availability. All system and software updates handled by ETC Maryland 14 Day archive of...
Some Companies do NOT Deserve Responsible Disclosure
Microsoft is one of the biggest. software companies...this is widely known. What is not widely known is there are parts that are vulnerable by design. The recent print nightmare vulnerabilities have one of them that could be easily triggered with little or no user...
If Your Router is Out of Support You Must Replace it.
Even the big companies end of life products. Security research continues against these devices though as the installed base continues to be very large. These end of life devices present a severe threat to your networks. The Cisco RV110W, RV130, RV130W, and RV215W...
The Comcast Business IPV6 Issue…Resolved
Remember this post?Comcast sent a tech out with another modem. This time it was one of their Cisco "towers" as i call it. I got that one installed...and thins got worse. The modem first booted up. the tech then loaded the static IP configuration file. I had ipv4...
Comcast Strikes Again
i ordered a block of 5 static ipv4 from Comcast. Of course they require us to use their modem/gateway device. AND it's also a technicolor(known in the industry as technicrap). I almost rejected the install right there..and looking back, i should have. The issue i...
Another Wrinkle with TrueNAS
One of a clients backups are using 5-8 terabytes of disk space on a cloud backup. the disk usage on the NAS itself(due to zfs native dompression is 2.7 TB. It's taken a while to figure out but it turns out Rclone(which is what truenas uses for it's cloud backup...
WordPress 5.8 is released
The folks at Wordfence have a good video about the new Wordpress revision 5.8. It's got some new image type support along with a removal of support for internet Explorer. There's other feature updates as well. Fully managed clients will be getting upgraded after a...
Exciting Times Are Ahead for ETC Maryland
ETC Maryland will soon be a DBA of Emmanuel Technology Consulting. As the business has grown the days of sole proprietorship are done. This is going to allow ETC Maryland to grow further and serve clients with a wider selection of services. It will also allow us to...
REvil Ransomware Strikes at MSP’s to Encrypt Thousands of Companies
This is now the SECOND time their VSA product has been compromised. How Kaysea still exists at this point....I have no idea. (previous compromise) ...
10 Things Your Host Needs to Have..Wordfence
ETC Maryland has services for those who want fully managed hosting to if you want to do nearly everything yourself. Let's go through the points Wordfence raises: Backups. We do two backups per day. One is at noon and is on another server in the datacenter. The...
Web Server Upgrades Completed..Along With A Side Benefit
I just completed a server replacement. Here's the vitals on the two machines: Old Web1: Dual Xeon 6 core L5640 12 cores w/HT @ 2,2ghz for a total of 24 threads cpu release date 2010 64 gigs ram dual ssd's in RAID1. 50 megabit connection Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Virtualmin...
Web Services Downtime Alert
You can also see there service alerts on the Twitter page. This upcoming Sunday Jun 27, all web services will be offline from 5pm until midnight. This is to facilitate a server replacement and upgrade. New hardware, operating system, and Internet connection will all...
My Base Unifi Settings For Those With IOS Connection Problems.
A common refrain i see from folks is they are having problems with IOS and Unifi. I simply do not have these problems..but I have some default settings I use on every single site I setup to start with. These are controller settings..i use on everything. Cloudkey,...
SCALE Project ends as Quickly as it Begins
Remember this post? My quest for an open source hypervisor as part of my ongoing software stack continues. It appears SCALE will not be part of that stack going forward. I have since figured out that SCALE is not going to be able to handle the use case I am looking...
Watchguard firewalls Under Active Credential Attack
I do work for another firm out in California and one of the biggest clients there suddenly found their guest network offline. When the firewall was attempted to be logged into all account credentials have either been changed or deleted..locking us out of the...
Thrive Theme Vulnerability Allows unauthentic Remote Takeover Of WordPress Sites
Wordfence discovered these vulnerabilities in the Thrive Theme had been silently patched on March 12th. As of the 23rd many sites using this theme and it's associated packages were still not updated. Further analysis discovered two vulnerabilities than when used...
Some Android Devices Experiencing Performance Problems. Google Release a fix..That’s Only Part of the Story.
So a story is going around about an Android component update...however it's mainly the non-pixel phones that are being affected. All other android vendors install other software in addition to just Android. Int he case of Samsung it's android, then Samsung's software,...
Elementor Site Builder Plugin Vulnerability Announcement
The wildly popular Elementor site builder plugin has a vulnerability that can allow a third party site to secretly compromise a Wordpress site if the user is logged into the site as the administrator. Normally when you are on one site..a third party site is blocked...
A New Research Project Begins
With the completion of my ransomware resistance storage research and product announcement, I have now embarked on a new research project. I am looking for an open source virtualization host. I have already tried XCP-NG and I just could not get it to work...
Major Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability in Elementor Plugin Leads to Site Takeovers
A plugin for the Elementor sitebuilder has a major vulnerability that allow remote attackers to create administrative accounts without any need for authentication. The admin users can then do anything a Wordpress user can do which is add or remove content, create or...
Netgate Announces Move Away From PFSense..I Begin my Move Towards Something Else
Right as I start building a firewall monitoring and configurations service...things change drastically. Luckily, as a smaller company I am able to be quite agile in responding. I had heard rumblings of something a couple of weeks those rumblings have been...
It’s Time to Stand for the Constitution in Business
If you are a person with a tactical site or other pro-2A site you have a friendly refuge here. I can do domain registration, hosting, dedicated servers, and server co-location. DMCA notices are PROPERLY handled within the bounds of the law (unlike many other places)....
When Hardware Gets a Mind of It’s Own: R520 Fan Edition
I have had a Dell R520 server here at my location for a bit now and it's been a great upgrade for my business. In addition to providing network storage it also has been the final testbed for my new network attached storage product I recently announced. I have been...
Windows 20h2 Bug Eats Partitions, TrueNAS Core Saves Data Again
I had 1909 on my machine and it decided to upgrade to 20h2(mainly because i forgot to disable feature updates after some windows maintenance). Things immediately went downhill from there. I knew something was funky when it kept saying my E drive(my iscsi gamecache)...