ETC Blog, The Tech Resource
AMD Pro…Any Better Than IntelME?
AMD is now releasing their Ryzen Pro cpu offerings for businesses. AMD is claiming their "management" solution is more secure than IntelME. Given the extremely low bar set by IntelME that's not hard to accomplish. I have not had the time to research the Ryzen Pro...
Intel Skylake and Newer CPUs Expose JTAG Over USB. “GOD Mode” Attack Details to Come.
As if the Minix OS that runs on the chipset of ALL Intel processors isn't has now been shown that you do not even need any complicated steps to get to the IntelMe engine. You can now access JTAG over ANY PCH(southbridge) and it is called DCI(Direct...
Amazon key(Based upon IOT) makes your house absolutely insecure
Amazon Key IMO is a bad idea. The fact that it is based on IOT makes it worse. The very concept of you give someone access to your house with no other controls...there's a camera to watch them but a camera will not stop anyone from doing anything else..jsut record...
Apple Values Your Privacy…Not Really.
We all know google mines everything..that's been well established by Google themselves. We knew Apple mined our data and "keeps it private". I always called BS on their privacy stance...Here's the proof:...
If you have a device that depends on the cloud to run…keep in mind you do not own it.
Logitech is going to brick their cloud IOT devices under the Harmony Link brand with a software update in March 2018. Your remedy? Logitech gives you a discount on their newest Harmony Hub devices.
Bruce Schnier Destroys the State Sponsored Angle in the Equifax Breach
The instant I saw folks start pandering the absurd theory that China or Russia had financed this attack I knew it was bogus. The problem was a well-known and well published vulnerability in their website that their site(and many other larger websites) used called...
Post-Mortem on the Nationwide “Comcast Outage”
I started getting multiple calls about issues on Comcast this afternoon. My initial research showed it was not an IP issue, however dns was not responding on the Comcast network. Comcast has had DNS outages before. I tested my network by switching to Google DNS...
Intel Graphics FINALLY Die…
I heard about this more than a year ago. This is one I wanted to sit back on and watch. Sure enough, after many years of futility, Intel has finally decided to stop torturing us with their craptacular graphics drivers that never fully worked and have decided to...
*UPDATE* It turns out Linux is especially vulnerable to this vulnerability. this means Android is especially vulnerable. Linux(and by extension Android) can be tricked into using a zero encryption key which means the attacker can easily watch all traffic on that...
Microsoft REALLY wants folks to move off from ANYTHING that is not Windows 10…by not keeping them fully updated.
I have been thinking for a bit that Microsoft not only wanted Windows 7 to die quickly but Windows 8.x as well. Windows 7 because it is, admittedly old, and Windows 8.x because it is yet another Vista disaster. Windows 8.x however is technically supported until...
Net neutrality is Hooey.
At least in terms of how it has been reported in the media and by "tech sites". Karl Denninger has good take on this: Net Neutrality: The Liars Need To Be Locked Up The last couple of days have been so-called days of action on so-called "Net neutrality" and now a...
Firewall IOT Properly..Yet Another 0-day for IOT
Yet another IOT security issue. this one is actually a remote code exploit so once again a flaw allows IOT devices to get taken over Two things: Do not let IOT have access to your internal network. It MUST be firewalled onto its own network. Do not allow IOT access...
It’s Official. Windows365 is here. Windows Subscriptions are optional…for now.
When the "free upgrade" to Windows 10 started I felt like something didn't smell right. To quote the last paragraph of that 2015 post: In a way it is a stroke of genius. How do drug dealers do things? They give you free taste..get you hooked then drain you dry. I...
Another Ransomware Package is Spreading Rapidly
There is a new ransomware package spreading worldwide and it is even getting more companies in the US then WannaCry hit. It uses the Petrwrap ransomware package. This package leverages known vulnerabilities that have had patches out for quite some time. If you are not...
Hosting Company Pays Massive Ransomware Payment. Is Your Web Host Ransomware Resistant?
This is unfortunate. I do not wish this type of disaster on anybody. ANY operating system is vulnerable to ransomware...yes even Apple. This is why I am a big proponent of ransomware resistant backups. ETC Maryland's web hosting service has superior data protection...
Firefox Releases New Version. Let’s Test it Against Chrome.
The Mozilla Foundation has released their new Firefox with multi-process capabilities. This means Firefox should take better advantage of today's computer hardware, namely the multi-core CPUs that are omnipresent in just about all machines less than 3 years old....
ETC Maryland Adds a Third Backup for all Webhosting Accounts
ETC Maryland continues to enhance its data retention capabilities for all hosting accounts. ETC Maryland has now added a third backup for all web hosting accounts. Every night the webservers send a backup to an on premise server inside the datacenter for quick...
The Worldwide Ransomware Outbreak.
Ok the news is on fire with news of a massive malware attack. This malware is called ransomware. I have been talking about ransomware since early last year and I have been talking about how to not get yourself infected since 2010. When I started this company I had...
ETC Maryland Assists in Website Rescue
I got a call from a friend that I had not been in contact with for quite some time. He asked if I could help him with his website. After a good conversation on the phone it turns out what he really needed help with was his server that ran the website. He had...
Why Choose ETC Maryland to Host Your Website
There are tons and tons of companies that can host your website for you. Within the sea of hosting providers what sets ETC Maryland apart from the others? All accounts receive a free basic SSL Certificate All accounts get a free dedicated IPV6 address All accounts...
IOT= You Do Not Own Your Device
In the you do not own your IOT device dept comes a tale of IOT woe. A IOT Garage Door opener has disabled a customer's account due to a poor review and an admittedly toxic comment left by said client. Now the client is effectively locked out of his garage until he...
UEFI is a rich crapware/malware repository.
I posted about a system API inside of Microsoft Windows that allows OEM to put in unremovable software that resides in the UEFI of motherboards. UEFI is the new "BIOS". The possibilities for UEFI problems have been known since at least 2012 as this google search...
Caution: The Latest IOS and MACOS Update Carries a Significant Caveat
The newest IOS and MACOS represents a fundamental change in the very guts of the entire Apple ecosystem filesystem. Apple is changing the underlying file system for all facets of Apple OS operations. This update is available for all supported IOS/MACOS devices. The...
Power Quality and Your Technology. My Recovery From Bad Power Completed.
I mentioned earlier how modern electrical grid technology that is meant to help the power companies reduce service calls and increase the reliability of the grid can also present a danger to your critical technology. I had that same technology cause a failure...
Ransomware: Cheaper to Pay Than to be Properly Prepared?
I saw an article about this recently and went searching for an earlier publication date. This type of thing is typical of a first response, knee-jerk reaction because somebody found a hole in your procedures and this at the time seems to be the cheapest way out....