
ETC Blog, The Tech Resource

When the Cloud Goes POOF!

Gmail goes POOF!  While i DO have my business and personal domain accounts in the "cloud" i back them up from time to time.  I don't have my own mailserver at the moment(no space/power/bandwidth) which is why I use Google's Free Apps.  Google's failure here extends to...

The Lessons of the HBGary Hack

Its harder to explain away the substance of many other e-mail messages which have emerged in reporting by Ars Technica as well as others. They show a company executives like HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr mining social networks for data to "scare the s***" out of...

Securosis Blog | Firestarter: The New Cold War

It’s funny to me that folks seemed shocked at the latest treasure trove of goodies from the HBGary email spool. Basically these folks built custom malware on behalf of their government clients. ARSTechnica digs in (with pretty impressive technical depth, I might add)...

How Far Down Does the HBGary Rabbithole go?

very very deep.  There has GOT to be criminal charges against the companies involved....of course with the blatant stealing the banks are doing who knows?  Folks wonder I see paranoid...if the good guys are willing to break whatever law they have to for whatever...

The Anonomys “victim” list grows.

So the list grows.  Started by a law the request of BofA.  Unless this was gov't sanctioned there's already tons of folks needing to get irons.  So far there's been zero mention of a court order so this is all an illegal attempt.  So the question remains....

More Church client news

Zimbra has been a bit hit.  I'm currently trying to get the software lifecycles synchronized.  Zimbra 7 has just been released.. unfortunately zimbra does not support Debian any longer.  Centos 6 is about to be released and I'm not a fan of Ubuntu.  Centos 5 expires...

Radio Support

Got the new server online months ago..sorry for the lack of news.  I wound up sticking with Debian.  Everything went smoothly and now there are several domains running off of this box including multiple streaming servers.  Now a bigger challenge looms...moving...

Facebook Finally Does Something Good

Go do this.  At least you won't be able to have your facebook account stolen when you are on public wifi. To turn on your HTTP connection, go to the "Account Security" section of Facebook's Account Settings page. Facebook offers users SSL crypto • The Register.

Smishing: A new Twist on an Old Scam

As long as you keep the same rules in mind for text messages as won't get clobbered by this.  Keep in mind a text is nothing more than a shortened e-mail send to your phone. Smishing: scary new malware scam - Technology & science - Security -...

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